School Information
2025 School Information Documents
Download | File Size | File Type |
NHS School Information 2025 | 1,335kb | Adobe PDF |
NHS Stationery List 2025 | 515kb | Adobe PDF |
NHS IEC Stationery List 2025 | 468kb | Adobe PDF |
NHS Calculators Information | 428kb | Adobe PDF |
NHS Graphics Calculator Order Form for 2025 | 349kb | Adobe PDF |
NHS Scientific Calculator Order Form for 2025 | 454kb | Adobe PDF |
NHS Respectful Behaviour Procedure 2025 | 287kb | Adobe PDF |
For 2025 payment by instalment form, click here to be taken to the finance page. | ||
For 2025 school card information and forms, click here to be taken to the finance page. |
School Reporting Documents
Download | File Size | File Type |
NHS External School Review Final Report 2021 | 377kb | Adobe PDF |
School Context Statement 2024 | 187kb | Adobe PDF |
School Improvement Plan Summary 2022 to 2024 | 257kb | Adobe PDF |
Annual Report 2022 | 2,732kb | Adobe PDF |
Annual Report 2021 | 2,686kb | Adobe PDF |
Annual Report 2020 | 2,454kb | Adobe PDF |
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if ......?
I am a student and:I need help or information?
I am late or need to leave early?
I become sick or injured?
I need a bus pass?
I lose something?
I am a parent/caregiver and:
I want to enrol my child at the school?
I want to contact my child at school or deliver forgotten homework, lunch etc?
My child is absent?
I want to speak to a staff member at school?
I want to know how much homework my child should have?
I want to take my child on holidays during term time?
I need help or information?
All staff are able to help students with enquiries. However, the first person you should talk to is your Home Group Teacher. The Student Counsellors and Christian Pastoral Support Worker have special skills in helping students and the Student Services Office provides a wide range of services and information.<top>
I am late or need to leave the school grounds?
If a student arrives at school after Home Group, or leaves the school grounds for any reason during the day, he/she must sign in/out on the computer provided in Student Services. Any absences or late arrivals at school must be explained in a diary note from the parent/caregiver and shown to the Home Group Teacher. Under no circumstances should a student leave the school during school hours without prior parental permission and without signing out at the Student Services Office. Students must sign back in upon their return to school. Truancy is reported to DECS attendance officers.
Note: Bus students must remain at school from the time they arrive to the time they leave by bus. Approval is not given to students to go to local shops to buy lunch. The school has an excellent canteen. Approval is not given to students to miss lessons except for medical or dental appointments.<top>
I become sick or injured?
Students are to report to the First Aid Officer in Student Services with a note from the teacher. The First Aid Officer will assess the seriousness of the injury/illness and make judgements based on training. In the case of serious injuries, a runner is to report to the Student Services Office and a First Aid Officer will go to the accident site. Students critically injured/ill will be transported to a hospital by an ambulance. Students who are feeling ill will be observed until such time as they can return to class or a parent/caregiver arrives at school to take them home.<top>
I need a bus pass?
Students need to report to the Student Services Office with a diary note signed by a parent/caregiver if they want to travel on a bus that they are not allocated to. This needs to be done at least 24 hours in advance. A bus pass will be given to the student or stamped in the student's diary. This needs to be shown to the bus driver.<top>
I lose something?
If you find something, please hand it in immediately at the Student Services Office, as this is what you would like others to do for you. You should take care of your possessions and ensure that all belongings, including your uniform are clearly labelled. Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items to school as loss or damage may occur and the school cannot accept any responsibility if this happens. Lockers are available for student use. If you need to bring valuable items to school they can be handed in to the Student Services Office staff who will lock them away for your collection at the end of the day.
If you do lose something of value, you should report it to the Student Services Office and tell your Home Group teacher.<top>
I want to enrol my child at the school?
To enrol a student at Nuriootpa High school, telephone the school on (08) 8562 2022 and tell the receptionist you are enquiring about an enrolment. The receptionist will fill in an enrolment enquiry form and ask you for the following details: Your name, address and contact details, Student name, date of birth, address and contact details, reason for enrolment and name of school the student is currently enrolled at.
This information will be passed on to the Counsellors who will contact you promptly to discuss the enrolment. Please note that an enrolment enquiry is an enquiry only and not an automatic enrolment.<top>
I want to contact my child at school or deliver forgotten homework, lunch etc?
Please ask us to contact your child at school only if absolutely necessary. We are a large school and it can be difficult for staff to locate students due to student movement during lessons. Phone the school and ask to speak to the Student Services Office. Please note that students are not allowed to have mobile phones switched on during lessons.
It is best if your child lets the Student Services staff know if they are expecting a message or delivery and arranges to call back to collect it at recess or lunch. We cannot guarantee that students will receive messages or deliveries unless in an emergency.<top>
My child is absent?
Parents are requested to record reasons for student absence in the diary. A parent signature is required. Parents should contact the school if the student is going to be absent for more than one day. Planned absences for more than a week require exemption from the Principal.<top>
I want to speak to a staff member at school?
Please telephone the school and leave your name, contact number and a short message so that the person you wish to speak to can call you back as soon as they are available.<top>
I want to know how much homework my child should have?
Year 8 to 10: 3 subjects Monday to Thursday, 2 subjects Friday. 60 to 90 minutes of homework per night.
Year 11: 3 subject per night. 120 minutes per night.
Year 12: 180 minutes per night.<top>
I want to take my child on holidays during term time?
Parents are reminded that students are required to be in full time study between the ages of 6 and 17 years. In situations where families plan to take extended holidays that fall outside of school holiday periods, there is a requirement to apply for exemption from attendance.
If the exemption sought is temporary (Ongoing Medical Condition and Other/Conditional) and is for less than a period of one month, the Principal can approve the application.
If the exemption sought is temporary (Family Travel /Holiday) and is for less than a period of 12 months, the Principal can approve the application.
If the exemption sought is permanent (Full-Time Employment, TAFE/Other Course, Traineeship and Apprenticeship) and is in excess of twelve months then the Principal must endorse or otherwise, and forward the completed exemption application form to the Director, Programs and Regional Management (Central Delegate). If the exemption sought is permanent (Full-Time Employment, TAFE/Other Course, Traineeship and Apprenticeship) for a period of twelve months or less, or temporary for a period greater than one month, forward the completed exemption application form to the Director, Programs and Regional Management (Department for Education Schools).
Application forms are available from the school Secretary in the Front Office.<top>